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The new school year is just around the corner, and with it comes the familiar excitement – and budget butterflies. Fear not, savvy KlickEx parents, because we’re here with some practical tips to help you conquer back-to-school shopping without breaking the bank!

Planning is Key:

  • Craft a Budget: Before hitting the stores, map out your spending. Factor in uniforms, supplies, stationery,
    bags, and even extracurricular activities. Use last year’s expenses as a guide, adjusting for grade-level changes.
  • Inventory & Reuse: Raid your home! Do last year’s backpacks still have life? Can unused notebooks be repurposed? Check for leftover pencils, crayons, and other reusable treasures. Every tala saved is a tala earned! Or Vatu, Dollar, Kina or every Pa’anga kept in your pocket is a good thing.

Shopping Savvy:

  • Compare & Conquer: Don’t be a captive audience! Compare prices across different stores, both online and offline.
  • Hunt for Deals: Keep an eye out for back-to-school sales, vouchers, and discounts.
  • Think Bulk Smartly: Buying in bulk can be cost-effective for frequently used items like pencils, erasers, and craft supplies. Team up with other parents or families with similar needs to share the savings and the shopping load.

Beyond the Backpack:

  • Pack Those Lunches: Preparing healthy, delicious lunches at home can save a significant amount compared to daily tuckshop or canteen purchases. Get your kids involved in meal planning and prepping – it’s a fun bonding experience and teaches them valuable life skills.
  • Second-hand Savvy: Don’t underestimate the power of pre-loved items! Uniforms, textbooks,
    and even gently used sports equipment can often be found in excellent condition at thrift stores or local online marketplaces. It’s eco-friendly and budget-friendly – a win-win!

Remember families, a successful back-to-school season isn’t about spending the most, but about being smart, organised, and resourceful. With these KlickEx Pacific budget hacks, you can send your kids off to school with everything they need, without breaking the bank. So, thanks for joining us, and here’s to a fantastic new school year filled with learning, laughter, and family fun!

Bonus Tip: Don’t forget to save a shortcut to the KlickEx Pacific app for easy access to money transfers.